Facing Human Wrongs 2.0 course: Climate Complexity and Social Accountability

We are excited to announce three upcoming cycles of Facing Human Wrongs 2.0: Climate Complexity and Social Accountability, in 2023. This is a new version of the course with updated content, building on what we have learned in previous cycles. 

This course will be delivered through the University of Victoria and half of the proceeds of the course will be redistributed to the Indigenous communities in Brazil who have played an essential role in inspiring and supporting the development of this course.

The course was designed to do some heavy-lifting in clearing the way for new ways of sensing, thinking, doing, relating and being to emerge in participants’ lives and professional and political contexts. It supports participants to start disrupting conscious and unconscious imprints of modernity/coloniality and activating exiled capacities that can enable us to navigate complexities and complicities in more generative, accountable and compassionate ways.

The following are the details for the upcoming cycles in 2023:

Dates: July 23 to September 2 (pilot run)
Facilitator: Vanessa Andreotti
Optional ZOOM tutorials: Saturdays from 8:30 to 10 am PDT (Vancouver time)
Registrations are open until July 21 at: https://continuingstudies.uvic.ca/teaching-learning-and-development/courses/facing-human-wrongs-2-0-second-edition/

The second cycle is scheduled from September 17 to October 28, and the third cycle will take place from November 5 to December 16. Information regarding tutorial dates and registration for the other two cycles will be provided in August. Both of these cycles will be facilitated by the GTDF team. 

The previous version of the course, Facing Human Wrongs 1.0, will remain open and accessible for self-study here.

Before you decide to register in this course, we ask you to complete the questionnaire: “Is Facing Human Wrongs the right course for me at this point in time/in my life?“. This questionnaire will help you decide if the intention, content and approach of the course match what you are looking for (or what has been looking for you).:)

The short article “Coloniality, Complexity and the Unconscious” presents an outline of the academic rationale of the course.

One Reply to “”

  1. I was able to sit in for the class today and made a donation. Now I would like to register for all future webinars please. I completed the survey.
    Thank you, Marc


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